Saturday February 18, 2023

“I won’t let anyone out work me.” – Rich Froning”

Warm Up: 
1 set:
:30 walking lunge steps
:30 alternating shoulder taps
:30 alternating spiderman stretch
:30 push-ups
200-m run
– Rest :10-:20 between movements

1 set:
:30 KB deadlifts
:30 alternating KB taps (KB in front of body)
:30 double-knee tuck in plank
:30 KB plank pull throughs
200-m run
– Rest :10-:20 between movements

Specific Warm-Up:
KB Swing Practice

3 rounds for time with a partner:
60 Russian KB swings (53/70 lb)
800-m run
– Split runs up as needed. One partner works while the other rests; during the runs, the resting partner holds a KB in the front rack position.

3 rounds for time with a partner:
60 Russian KB swings (35/53 lb)
800-m run
– Split runs up as needed. One partner works while the other rests; during the runs, the resting partner holds a KB in the front rack position.

3 rounds for time with a partner:
40 Russian KB swings (18/26 lb)
400-m run
– Split runs up as needed. One partner works while the other rests; during the runs, the resting partner holds a KB in the front rack position.

3 rounds for time with a partner:
60 Russian DB swings
800-m run
– Split runs up as needed. One partner works while the other rests; during the runs, the resting partner holds a DB in the front rack position.

3 rounds for time with a partner:
60 weighted swings
800-m run
– Split runs up as needed. One partner works while the other rests; during the runs, the resting partner holds the weight in the bear hug or front rack position.

Movement scaling options:
Russian KB swing: Load, single-arm variations, KB deadlift
Run: Distance, substitutions
KB front rack hold: Load, single-arm variation, farmers hold

Individual option:
3 rounds for time:
40 Russian KB swing (53/50 lb)
600-m run
200-m KB front rack carry
– Hold the KB upside down and by the handles.

2:00 seated straddle stretch
– Hold :40 on the left leg, right leg, and in the center.