Saturday December 2, 2023

“It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.” ―Lou Holtz

Warm Up: 
Partner Rowing Warm-Up

On a 12:00 clock:
50-calorie row
40 KB swings (35/53 lb)
30 KB goblet squats
20 burpees
Max rope climbs

Same as Rx

On a 12:00 clock:
40-calorie row
30 KB swings (18/26 lb)
20 KB goblet squats
10 burpees
Max pull-to-stands

Home Workout: 
On a 12:00 clock:
500-meter run
40 dumbbell swings (35/50 lb)
30 dumbbell goblet squats
20 burpees
Max alternating single-arm devils presses

Movement scaling options:
Row: Calories, substitutions
KB swings: Load, range of motion, reps, kettlebell deadlifts
KB goblet squat:Load, reps, range of motion to a box
Burpees: Up-downs, reps
Rope climbs: Pull to stands, ring rows

Post-Workout Skill Work: 
10 Turkish get-ups/arm
– Use a single dumbbell or KB.
– Build in load as desired through all 10 reps.