Saturday August 7, 2021

“Champions don’t show up to get everything they want; they show up to give everything they have.” -Anonymous 

3 Different Classes = 3 Different WODs

8 AM: 
EMOM x 8 
Min 1: 40s Cal bike
Min 2: 3 Muscle Snatches + 3 Pwr 

2 TnG Snatches EMOM x 5 

9 am: 
EMOM x 8: 
Min 1: 40s Cal Bike or Row 
Min 2: Muscle Snatch + SGPP + OH + Snatch Balance + Hang Squat Snatch 

3×3 High Hang Snatch + 3 Hang Snatch + 3 Low Hang Snatch 

10 am :
600M Run
20s Dead Hang | Floor Sweeps 
5 KTC | Frankensteins 
5 KTE | High knees
5 T2B  | Butt kickers
600M Run

8 am Class: WVG E5: 
21-15-9 | Cal Bike| Snatch @ 95/65 
Time Cap 10 Minutes 

9 am Class: WVG E6: 
1 Rep Max Snatch
Time Cap 15 Minutes 

10 am Class: WVG E7: 
25 T2B | 1.5 Mile Run | 25 T2b | 1.5 Mile Run | 25 T2B
Time Cap 30 Minutes

8 am: We will run this in 2 heats with all the same barbells, women’s barbells, adapt and overcome. 

You’re welcome to stay for all 3 classes. Please check in on mindbody. 

Dumbbell Version: 
21-15 9 
Cal Bike
Double DB Snatch @ 35/20

Bulletproof Shoulders: 
Cal Bike 
Sumo Deadlift High Pull @ 75/55

No Equipment:
10M Shuttle Runs