Saturday April 13, 2024

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” —Theodore Roosevelt

Warm Up: 
1 round:
10 air squats, no ball
10 granny tosses
10 chest passes
10 side tosses, right
10 side tosses, left
10 roll passes
10 squat throws

2 sets:
5 wall-ball shots
– Partners take turns.

AMRAP 25 with a partner:
20 wall-ball shots (9/10 ft)(14/20 lb)
10 bar muscle-ups
5 wall walk + burpees
– Partners split work as needed.

AMRAP 25 with a partner:
20 wall-ball shots (9/10 ft)(10/14 lb)
10 chin-over-bar pull-ups
3 wall walk + burpees
– Partners split work as needed.

AMRAP 25 with a partner:
20 wall-ball shots (9/10 ft)(6/10 lb)
10 jumping pull-ups
3 inchworm + burpees
– Partners split work as needed.

Home Workout: 
AMRAP 25 with a partner:
20 single-dumbbell thrusters (35/50 lb)
20 V-ups
20 burpee + push-ups
– Partners split work as needed.

Movement scaling options:
Wall-ball shot: Load, height, med-ball push press, med-ball front squat
Bar muscle-ups: Pull-ups, jumping pull-ups
Wall walk + burpee: Partial range of motion wall walk + burpee, inchworms + burpee

Cool down:
2:00 reach, roll, and lift