Warm Up:
1 set:
25-ft toe walk
25-ft heel walk
25-ft bunny hops
25-ft walking lunges
:20 hollow hold
10 alternating spiderman stretches
1 set:
4 shuttle runs (1 run = 25 ft down, 25 ft back)
5 tuck-ups
10 air squats, slow
1 set:
4 shuttle runs (1 run = 25 ft down, 25 ft back)
5 V-ups
10 air squats, fast
Skill Work:
Every 2:00 x 4 sets/arm:
1 DB power clean
1 DB power snatch
1 DB thruster
1 DB overhead squat
– Complete the complex on each arm once every 2:00.
9-15-21-27 reps for time:
DB thrusters (20/30 lb)
– Perform 10 shuttle runs (1 run = 25 ft down, 25 ft back) at the start of each round.
Intended Stimulus: 9-15 Minutes
9-15-21-27 reps for time:
DB thrusters (15/20 lb)
– Perform 10 shuttle runs (1 run = 25 ft down, 25 ft back) at the start of each round.
9-12-15-18 reps for time:
Anchored sit-ups
DB thrusters (10/15 lb)
– Perform 6 shuttle runs (1 run = 25 ft down, 25 ft back) at the start of each round.
Movement scaling options:
V-up: Tuck-up, anchored sit-up, reps
DB thruster: Load, reps, single-arm options, squat or press
Shuttle run: Reps, single-unders, C2 Bike
Cool down:
1 set:
1:00 couch stretch/leg
1:00 cobra stretch