Monday July 10, 2023

“A 30-minute workout is just two percent of your day. No excuses.” -Anonymous 

Warm Up: 
1 set:
200-m run, slow
:30 alternating hamstring scoops

3 sets:
:30 running position drill per leg
:30 lean and pull drill
:30 running falling drill
100-m run
– Practice maintaining a figure-4 body position on each run.

1 set:
200-m run, faster

Skill Work: 
Every 2:00 for 4 sets:
3-5 empty barbell squat snatches

3 rounds for time:
15 thrusters (65/95 lb)
400-m run

Intended Stimulus: 7-10 Minutes

3 rounds for time:
15 thrusters (55/75 lb)
400-m run

3 rounds for time:
15 thrusters (35/45 lb)
200-m run

3 rounds for time:
15 DB thrusters (25/35 lb)
400-m run

Movement scaling options:
Thruster: Load, DB thrusters, front squat (overhead limitation), push press (squat limitation)
Run: Distance, bike, row, SkiErg

Cool down:
1 set:
1:00 foam roll quads
1:00 couch stretch/leg