Monday April 22, 2024

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Warm Up: 
1 set:
:30 jumping jacks
10 dumbbell Romanian deadlifts
10 dumbbell goblet squats
5 single-arm dumbbell shoulder presses/arm

1 set:
:30 up-downs
10 dumbbell bent-over rows/arm
5 single-arm dumbbell thrusters/arm
5 dumbbell windmills/arm

2 set:
:30 burpees
5 dumbbell complexes/arm
– 1 complex = 1 single-arm dumbbell power clean + single-arm dumbbell thruster + 1 dumbbell windmill.

Specific Warm-Up :
2 sets:
5 thrusters
5 power snatches
– Each set should be unbroken.
– Rest 1:00 between sets.

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 thrusters (85/115 lb)
10 power snatches

Intended Stimulus: 4-7 Rounds

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 thrusters (55/75 lb)
10 power snatches

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
7 thrusters (35/45 lb)
7 hang power snatches

Home Workout: 
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 double-dumbbell thrusters (35/50 lb)
10 left-arm dumbbell snatches
10 double-dumbbell thrusters
10 right-arm dumbbell snatches

Movement scaling options:
Thruster: Load, front squat, push press, dumbbell options
Power snatch: Load, hang power snatch, dumbbell options

Cool down:
1 set:
1:30 foam roll quads
1:00 couch stretch/leg