Friday February 16, 2024

“Be content to act, and leave the talking to others.” -Baltasar Gracian 

Warm Up: 
2 sets:
20 mountain climbers
10 hollow rocks
10 Superman arch ups
5 side-plank reach-throughs/side
:30 single-under practice

8 rounds for time with a partner:
40 double-unders
20 GHD sit-ups
– Partners alternate complete rounds.

Intended Stimulus: 10-18 Minutes

8 rounds for time with a partner:
30 double-unders
15 GHD sit-ups to parallel
– Partners alternate complete rounds.

6 rounds for time with a partner:
30 single-unders
15 sit-ups
– Partners alternate complete rounds.

Home Workout: 
8 rounds for time with a partner:
40 double-unders
20 weighted sit-ups (15/20 lb)
– Partners alternate complete rounds.

Solo option:
Every 3:00 x 4 sets, each for time:
40 double-unders
20 GHD sit-ups

Movement scaling options:
Double-unders: Reps, :30 of attempts, 30-60 single-unders
GHD sit-ups: Reps, range of motion, AbMat sit-ups

Post-Workout Skill Work: 
50 GHD hip extensions