Wednesday September 4, 2019

“Even though we’re never going to be fully ready, we’re going anyways.”

Primer: EMOM x 8
odd: 50s Row
even: Muscle Snatch + Snatch Grip Push Press + Overhead Squat + Snatch Balance + Hang Squat Snatch

Strength: On The Every 90 x 5
Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats

WOD: “Fish Out of Water”
2K Row – Directly into
10 Rounds – 3 Power Snatches @ 135/95 | 6 Push Ups | 9 Air Squats

Performance: Snatches @ 115/75
Fitness: Snatches @ 95/65
Fit Light: 1500M Row | Snatches @ 65/45

Strict Press: 3RM, 2×5@80%, ME @ 80%
Bench Press: 3RM, 3×5@80%, ME @ 75 of 3RM
Seated DB Strict Press: 5×5 rest ME at Same Weight
DB Flies 2×12
Pendlay Row with 5s Pause at top 2×10, 1×10+10lbs, 5 Max Effort
Strict HSPU – 3x ME (rest as needed)