“CrossFit is a solution so elegant it might be optimal.” – Greg Glassman
If you have a friend who is a diabetic, almost diabetic, extremely out of shape let them know we’re here to help. They can email me or stop in E@WarlockAthletics.com
1. Alternating Every 90 Seconds x 10 Rounds
odd: 3 Clean + Jerk Dip @75%
even: 1 Pause Front Squat + Front Squat @ 70%
9 Clean @ 165/115
15 Box Jumps @ 30/24
21 Wallball @20/14
1. Push Jerk 5×3 @ 75%
2. Floating Halting Clean Deadlift (mid-thigh) – 100%x3x3
3. 4 Rounds – 10 Weighted GHDSU / 10 Weighted Back Ext / Max V-Ups
Warlock Weightlifting: Recovery Day
Crossover Symmetry
1. 5×3 Minute Easy / Moderate Bike Followed by 5 Bench Press
2. 5×3 Minute easy / moderate row followed by 30 second plank