Wednesday November 22, 2017

“I train everyday of my life as they have never trained a day in theirs”

A. 3 Rounds – 3 Cleans, 2 Cleans, 1 Clean
Rest in between Rounds. Ascending in weight.
1 Heavy Single after the 3rd Round

B. On The Every 2 Minutes x 10 Rounds
3 Power Cleans @ 225/155
6 Up and Over Box Jumps @24/20
9 Cal Bike / Row

A. 5 x Pause Front Squat + Front Squat
B. 50 T2B & 50 GHDSU

Warlock Weightlifting:
Crossover Activation
A. Clean – 78% x 1 x 5 OTM, 83% x 1 x 5 OTM, 88% x 1 x 5 OTM – If after these 15 sets on the minute you feel good, continue to a heavy single with a max of 5 more singles with a max of 2 min rest
B. Clean Pull – 90%x3, 95%x3x2
C. Halting Clean Deadlift (knee) + Finish + Floating Clean Deadlift – 85% x (3+1+1), 90% x (3+1+1) x 2
D. Pause Back Squat – 70%x2x3