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“Because there’s no point in picking up the bar if you’re not ready to lift it. Take time. Get your head right, then approach the bar.”
A. 7×2 Power Cleans @ add 3-5% and make them TnG)
B. 20-15-10-5
Power Cleans @165/115
Ring Dips
A. For Time: 150 Push Ups with a 20 lb vest
B. Rowing
500M at fast pace, 100M easy row
200M at faster pace, 100M easy row
2 Min Rest.
400M at fast pace, 100m easy row
200M at faster pace, 100m easy row
2 Min Rest.
300M at fast pace, 100M easy row
200M at faster pace, 100M easy row
2 Min rest
200M at fast pace, 100m easy row
200M at faster pace, 100M easy row.