One of the biggest downfalls of athletes is their inability to be patient along with actually practicing a movement to develop strength and understanding of the movement. A lot of people want their results immediately. They don’t want to put the time in to develop the fundamentals to become even mediocre at them. Not us, we love the ability to slow things down, practice movement and truly understand what we need to do in order to improve.
6 Rounds: 40s burpees: 20s rest (slow and steady) then
Shoulder rotation forward & reverse
Samson Stretch
15 each arm light and slow dumbbell single arm high pull
10 steps (5 each leg) traveling side to side lunge 3 sec side hurdle stretch each step
15x each arm light and slow dumbbell press
2x arch hang bar 30 sec plank 30 sec rest 15 sec
30 sec PVC reverse shoulder stretch
30 sec spinal twist each direction
1 minute standing pike stretch
Strength: Pull Up and Dip Test
Ring Pull Ups – 4x Max Effort with 60 second rest between sets.
*Good rep is touch thumb to armpits as you fatigue thumbs to shoulders. if your thumbs don’t touch your shoulders no rep.
*Scaled – Leg Assisted Ring Pull Ups
Strict Ring Dips – 4 x Max Effort with 60 seconds rest between sets
Body Armor:
V-Ups – 60-100 in sets of 10-20
Strict Static Support Dips. 6 x 30 seconds work / 30 sec rest (scaling – leg assist box dips)
DB Hammer Curls. 4×10 each arm – 60 seconds rest between sets
1. Back Squat – Heavy Single – No Belt
2. Hang Power Clean (knee) + Power Jerk – 65%x2+1, 70%x2+1, 75%x2+1, 65%x2+1, 70%x2+1, 75%x2+1
3. 6 x 2 Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat @ 65-75%
4. Deficit push ups – 100 reps in sets of 5-20 as able. (men 8-12 inches women 6-10 inches. In less than 10 minutes. Scaling – Standard Push ups or Deficit push ups on knees)