Wednesday March 28, 2018

“Train toward the highest level version of a movement.”

– Dave Durante – Power Monkey Fitness and Former US Gymnast

A. EMOM x 7
1 Power Clean + Push Jerk (below 85%)

B. 5 Rounds
15/12 Cal Bike or Row
20 Med Ball Cleans @20/14
25 Double Unders

Warlock Weightlifting:
A. Back Squat – 75% x 5 x 5
B. Block (or hang) Clean (mid-thigh) -5×3@ 65%
C. Halting Clean Deadlift – 80% (of clean) x 3 x 3
D. SLDL – 3×5 @ 60% (of back squat)
E. 3 Rounds – 30 Cal Bike 1:1 work to rest