If you can’t make it to Friday Night Lights or need special accommodations please email E@WarlockAthletics.com by 9 pm on Wednesday March 13, 2019. Thank you for taking the time to do this. It helps us keep Friday Night Lights running smoothly and on time for everyone participating!
“When you lose your excuses you’ll find your results”
A. 7×1 Pause Back Squat (climbing)
B. For Time:
60/45 Cal Row
40 DB Power Snatches @ 70/50
20 Bar Muscle Ups
12 Minute Time Cap
Performance: DB Snatches @ 50/35 | 10/5 Bar Muscle Ups
Fitness: DB Snatches @ 35/20 | Burpee C2BPU
Fitness Light: DB Snatches @ 35/20 | Burpee Pull Ups
A. 2 Rounds: 25 Box Jump Overs | 150 ft Sandbag Carry @ 150/100 | 5 Rope Climbs
B. 3 Rounds: 20 Cal Bike | 20 T2B | 20 Cal Row