A. 20 RM Deadlift
B. On The Every 2 Minutes x 5
25 Cal on the Bike / Rower
9 S2OH @ 165/115
AMRAP Squat Cleans @ 165/115
1to1 Work to Rest
1. 5 Rounds – 50 Cal Row, 100 Double Unders
2. 15 Push Ups EMOM x 10
Technique Primer: Muscle Clean + Tall Clean – 3 x (3+3) (light)
1. Clean – 65%x1x4 OTM, 70%x1x4 OTM, 75%x1x4 OTM – If after these 12 sets on the minute you feel good, continue to a heavy single with a max of 5 more singles with a max of 2 min rest
2. Clean Pull – 110%x2, 115%x2x2, 90%x2
3. Back Squat – HS; 90%x1 (% of HS)
4. 4 Sprints from the parking lot up to 55. Rest as long as needed in between sets.