Wednesday July 19, 2017

“When it comes to exercise, like all medicine, the poison is in the dose.”

5,4,3,2,1 Deadlifts
5,4,3,2,1 Pendlay Rows
5,4,3,2,1 Boxjumps (ascending in height)

B. EMOM x 15
Min 1: 15 Deadlifts @225/155
Min 2: 18/15 Cal Row
Min 3: 15 Boxjumps @ 24/20

*Bonus Work
A. On The Assault Bike
2 Rounds – 6 x 30 Second easy pace, 30 second moderate pace, 30 second fast pace, 30 second backwards pedal
3 Minutes rest in between rounds.
B. Bench Press 5×5
C. Accumulate 3 Minutes in an L Sit. Every time you break 20 Double Unders

Warlock Weightlifting:
A. Power Jerk + Jerk (5 sec hold overhead on last rep) – 70% x 2+1, 75% x 2+1, 80% x 2+1 x 4
B. Push Press Bnk – 75%x6x4
C. Walking Lunge – 3 x 10/leg
A1. Crunches – 3 x max
A2. 2-arm OH carry – 3x50m