Wednesday January 31, 2018

“It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you are not.” – Anonymous

A. EMOM x 10
odd: 3 Front Squats @ 73%
even: 6 Back Squats @ same as above

B. Warlock RX
AMRAP 2 – Wallball @20/14
directly into
30 Power Clean and Jerk @ 185/135

Warlock Performance
AMRAP 2 – Wallball @20/14
directly into
30 Power Clean and Jerk @135/95

Warlock Fitness and Fitness Light
AMRAP 2 – Wallball @ 14/10
directly into
30 Power Clean and Jerk @ 95/65

1. Bike – AMRAP 5 / 5 Min rest, AMRAP 4 / 4 Minutes rest, AMRAP 3 / 3 Min Rest, AMRAP 2/2Min Rest, AMRAP 1 Done. Total Calories is your score. Pace should increase each round.

Warlock Weightlifting:
1. Snatch Balance + Snatch Push Press – 1+5RM, 90%x1+5, 95%x1+5
2. Back Squat 10@60%, 8@65%, 8@70%, 8@75%
3. Front Squat 5@60%,5@65%, 2×5@70%
4. Jumping Squat – 3×3@60%
5. GHDSU – 3 x max reps then 15 sit ups after each set