“The cost of regular extended aerobic training is decreased speed, power and strength.”
A. Back Squats 5×2 @ 75%
B. Circus Act – 4 Rounds – AMRAP 3
60 Double Unders
16 DB Box Step Overs @ 50/35
AMRAP Cal Bike
1 Minute rest after each round
*Score is Cal Bike
Performance: 60 DU’s | DB Box Step Overs @ 35/20 | Cal Bike
Fitness: 60 Single Unders | 16 DB Box Step Overs @ 35/20 | Cal Row
Fitness Light: 60 Single Unders | 16 DB Box Step Overs @ 35/20 | Cal Row
1. 3 Cleans + 1 Jerk Dip 2×75% | 2 Clean + 1 Jerk Dip 3@80%
2. Push Jerk – 2×3@75%, 3×2@80%
3. Floating Halting Clean Deadlift (mid-thigh) – 100%x3, 105%x3x2
4. 3 Rounds – 35 Shuttle Runs, 75 Ft HS Walk, 2 Rope Climbs,