“Focus on one goal. What are you going to do every day to move yourself one step closer to that goal?”
*January Challenge – Figure out your one goal. Your challenge is to work on that goal every single day for the entire month of January. You can write your goal on the white board by the office and check off every single day you work on it.
A. EMOM x 6
30% of Max Kipping HSPU’s +
Power Clean 3-3-2-2-1-1
If you don’t have HSPU – 10-15 Second HS Hold
B. “Air Walker” – AMRAP 20
25/18 Cal Row
50 Double Unders
3 Rounds of The Chief – 3 Power Cleans @ 165/115 | 6 Push Ups | 9 Air Squats
Performance: @135/95
Fitness @ 115/75 | 150 Single Unders
Fitness Light @ 95/65 | 150 Single Unders
A. 3 Rounds: 30 Second GHD Supine Hold (face up) | 30 Seconds of GHDSU | 30 second Pronated Hold (face down) | 30 Seconds of Back Extension – 2 Minutes rest between rounds