“Grit. It’s in your heart and it’s certainly going to be in your legs.” – Mike W.
A. 5 x Clean Pull + 2 Hang Clean (knee)
B. Thanks for voting! You selected workout 1. It’s below:
For Time: 10-1
Wallball @ 20/14
Front Squats @ 165/115
Burpee Box Jumps Overs @ 24/20
*20 Minute time cap
Performance: FS @135/95 | C2BPU
Fitness: FS @ 115/75 | Pull ups
Fitness Light: FS @ 115/75 | Jumping C2BPU
A. Back Squat – 5×5@80%
B. Floating Clean Pull – 3@85%, 2×3@90%
C. 3 Rounds: 10 BB Good Mornings | 20 Box Step Ups | 30 Glute Bridges (feet on bench)
HS Academy:
5 Rounds: 500M Row | 60 Seconds of Recovery Air Squats | 60 Seconds rest. Score is total row time.