Wednesday December 28, 2016


“No one you know has ever made it, without a ton of work” – Gary Vaynerchuk

A. 8 Minute EMOM
Odd: 20 DL’s @ 225/155
Even: 15 Boxjumps @ 24/20

B. 4 Minute AMRAP x 4
36 Cal Row
12 Hang Power Cleans @ 135/95
AMRAP Double Unders

4 Minute rest after each round

Two scores each round:
1.Time you finish the hang power cleans
2.Number of double unders each round

A. Front Squats 5×2 @ 70%
B. 10 minute EMOM
odd: 20 Push Ups
even: Max Effort Bench @ Bodyweight
C. Iron Scap Protocol