Wednesday December 27, 2017

“You will not find a three minute L-sit and a lower abdominal pooch in the same person, yet the world abounds with people who can perform thousands of crunches and sit-ups and still keep the pooch.” – Coach Glassman

*Deload week
A. 7×3 Position Clean (High Hang, Hang, Floor)

B. 3 RFT
15 C2B
12 Bar Facing Burpees
9 Squat Cleans @ 135/95

1. 2 Rounds – 1 Minute SHSPU, 1 Minute Rest, 1 Minute SHSPU – 2 Minute Rest
2. 3 Rounds – 30 Glute Bridges, 30 Abmat Sit Ups, 30 Banded Good mornings, 30 Sec L Sit

Warlock Weightlifting:
A. Power Snatch – 75%x1x10 OTM
B. Power Clean + Power Jerk – 75% x (1+1) x 10 OTM
3 Sets: 15 Back Extension, 15 Sit Ups, 10 Bird Dogs /side