“There is no space for complacency.”
*Our Holiday Party is this Saturday. Details are on the board at the gym. If you are interested in coming we ask that you RSVP today or tomorrow at the very latest.
A. EMOM x 10
Odd: 5 Hang Power Cleans (Climbing)
Even: 15 Wallball @ 20/14
B. On The Every 4 Minutes x 5 Rounds
30 Air Squats
20/15 Cal Row
7 Power Clean and Jerks @ 135/95
*Score is your slowest round
A. Barbell Reverse Lunges 2×20
B. 50 Strict C2B Every time you break 3 Strict HSPU
Warlock Weightlifting:
A. Clean – 82% x 1 x 5 OTM, 87% x 1 x 5 OTM, 92% x 1 x 5 OTM – If after these 15 sets on the minute you feel good, continue to a heavy single with a max of 5 more singles with a max of 2 min rest
B. Clean Pull – 95%x3, 100%x3, 95%x3
C. Halting Clean Deadlift (knee) + Finish + Floating Clean Deadlift – 90% x (2+1+1), 95% x (2+1+1), 90% x (2+1+1)
D. Pause Back Squat – 70%x2, 75%x2, 70%x2