“Your health will deteriorate fast if you don’t take care of it.”
Primer: Theraband Protocol
3 Rounds: 30 Single Unders | 3 Gymnastics Compression Drills | 5 Waiter Squats (per side)| 10 Scap Pull Ups
Practice: 5 Minute HS Walk Practice
Strength: Front Squat 6×1
5 Sec Negative, 3 Sec Pause at bottom and parallel
WOD: On The 3 Minutes x 4 Rounds
60 Double Unders
12 DB Box Step Overs @ 50/35
Max Bar Facing Burpees
1 Minute rest after each round. Score is total burpees
Performance: @35/20
Fitness: 60 Single Unders | Step Overs @ 25/15
Fitness Light: 60 Single Unders | Step Overs @ 25/15
A. Pendlay Row 5×5
B. Bench Press 4×10