“You can go to the gym, drink your water, take your vitamins, and if you don’t deal with the shit going on in your head and your heart you’re still going to be unhealthy.”
Primer: 2 Rounds:
:60 Second Laying Front Rack Stretch
:30 second Pause Air Squat
:30 second Wrist Stretch
Skill Work: Tabata 16 Rounds:
Odd: Arch to Hollow Practice
Even: Kipping / Pull Up / C2B Practice
Strength: Tempo Front Squats: 6×1 Rep (climbing)
5 Second Negative
3 Second Pause in Bottom
3 Second Pause at Parallel (focus on positions and technique)
Conditioning: “Heartbreak Kid” – 3 Rounds
10 Front Squats @ 185/135
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
50 Double Unders
Performance: Front Squats @ 155/105 | Chest to Bar | Double Unders
Fitness: Front Squats @ 115/75 | Pull Ups | 50 Single Unders
Fitness Light: Front Squats @ 75/55 | Ring Rows | 50 Single Unders
A. Jerk Drive – 5×3 @ 2×70%, 78, 85 and 90%
B.1 Pause Split Jerk + Split Jerk @ 70, 73, 76%
B.2 5×1 Split Jerk @ 80, 84, 3x@88%
C. 10 Rounds For Time: 5 Sandbag Cleans Over the Yoke. 50 Ft Yoke Carry. 50 Ft Sandbag Carry to yoke