Knowing is not half the battle. It’s not even a quarter. Ot’s the first 10%,if that. Action is 90%.
Primer: 2 Rounds: 60s Row | 60s Box Step Ups | 60s Inchworms
Barbell Warm Up: 5 GM | 5 BS | 5 Elbow Rotations | 5 Strict Press and Reach | 5 Deadlifts | 5 Front Squats | 5 Muscle Cleans | 5 Power Cleans | 5 Low Hang Power Cleans
Strength: 6x On The 1:30
1 Clean Pull +
1 Power Clean +
1 Low Hang Power Clean
WOD: “Ecod” AMRAP 4 x 3
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs
21 Power Cleans
27/21 Cal Row
Rest 4 Min btw rounds
Round 1: 155/105
Round 2: 135/95
Round 3: 115/85
EMOM x 10: odd: 2 Pause Deficit Clean Pulls | even: 25-50 ft HS Walk
3 Rounds NFT: 750M Ski Erg | 100 Ft Sandbag Walk 150/100