Tuesday June 6, 2017

Kyle and Garrett

“Blur the distinction between strength training and metabolic conditioning for the simple reason that nature’s challenges are typically blind to the distinction” – Greg Glassman

A. 1 Snatch EMOM x 12

B. On The Every 3 Minutes x 4
15 Cal on Bike/Rower
12 Burpees over the Bar
9 Power Snatches @ 135/95

Snatch Pull – 110%x2, 115%x2x2, 90%x2
Front Squat – HS; 90%x1 (% of HS)
8 Minute AMRAP – 5 Suit Case Deadlifts + 50 foot farms carry + 5 Suit Case Deadlifts

Warlock Weightlifting:
Iron Scap Protocol
Technique Primer: Tall Jerk + Push Jerk BNK in Split – 3 x (3+3) (light)
Jerk – 5×1@70% OTM, 5×1@72% OTM,5×1@74% OTM
Power Clean – 3×1@70% OTM, 3×1 @72% OTM, 3×1@74% OTM
Good Morning – 3×4@25% (% of back squat)
Pause Bench Press – 5×3