Tuesday July 11, 2017

“Just because you’re 250 pounds doesn’t excuse or exempt you from needing 25 pull-ups” – Greg Glassman

A. 5 Rounds
Min 1: Cal Row
Min 2: Burpees
Min 3: Power Cleans @ 135/95
Min 4: Rest

B. 3×10 Front Rack Box Step Ups (Per side / increase weight from last week)

1. 6×10 Strict HSPU
2. 10 Rounds: 12 Cal on the assault Bike 1 Min in between rounds

Warlock Weightlifting:
A. Snatch from Power Position – 70%x2, 75%x2x5
B. Drop Snatch (% of snatch) – 50%x3x5
C. SLDL (% of BS) – 55%x5x3
A1. Weighted Planks – 3 x 30sec max
A2. 1-Arm Farmer’s walk – 3x50m