“A poor foundation shows up as a crack in the wall.”
A. Every :30 for 10 Minutes, 1 Deadlift @ 70%
B. EMOM X 12
odd: 5 Deadlifts @ 245/165 + 10 HSPU
even: 5 Pull Ups + 10 Push Ups + 15 Air Squats
C. 100 OH Walking Lunges (Not for time) @ 45/35
1.45,30,15 Hip Extensions & GHDSU
2. Pick One of the following: Muscle Ups – 3×9, 4×8, 5×7, 6×6, 7×5, 8×4, 9×3, 10×2, 10 singles, If you don’t have muscle ups – Transition Work, 30 Ring Dips/30 Strict Pull Ups
Warlock Weightlifting:
Technique Primer: Hang Muscle Snatch – 3×3
A. High-Hang Snatch – 6×2@70%x
B. Power Clean + Power Jerk – 6×2 @ 70%
C. Snatch Pull – 85%x3, 90%x3, 95%x3, 85%x3
Back Extension – 3×15
Standing Plate Twist – 3×15/side
Weighted Plank – 3 x 10-30sec