Tuesday January 3, 2017

Best Effort. Every single day I want your best effort. Your best effort is not dictated by the white board, someone else’s weights, times and scores. Your best is exactly that, your best effort. It’s easy to get caught up in leader boarding and gaming your workout off of other people. Don’t do it. Leave the gym knowing you gave your absolute best and there is no way you could get a better score. Realize, your best effort day to day changes. Your best effort yesterday may not be your best effort tomorrow or after 5 days of training. I challenge you to put forth your best effort, be so happy with your effort that you don’t look at the white board before you leave.
A. EMOM 9 – Pause Squat + Front Squats
Min 1,2,3 –  2 @70%
Min 4,5,6 –  2 @75%
Min 7,8,9 – 2 @80%
B. EMOM x 12
min 1: 40 Seconds of Thrusters @ 95/65
min 2: 40 Seconds of C2B
min 3: 40 second of Burpees
A. Row
2×4 Min row at moderate pace with 1 Min rest in between
2 min rest
60 Sec fast pace, 10 second rest,
40 sec faster pace, 10 sec rest,
20 second fastest sprint pace,
2 Min rest
2×3 Min at moderate pace w 1 min rest in between
2 min rest
60 Sec fast pace, 10 second rest,
40 sec faster pace, 10 sec rest,
20 second fastest sprint pace,
2 Min rest
2x2min at moderate pace w 1 min rest between
2 min rest
60 Sec fast pace, 10 second rest,
40 sec faster pace, 10 sec rest,
20 second fastest sprint pace
B. Bench Press  5×5 (Across)