Tuesday January 29, 2019

“You are the hardest working person in the room”

*Click Here to sign up for the CrossFit Open.

Save the Dates:
Thursday February 21 @ 8 pm – 19.1 Viewing Party Sponsored by Moriarty Physical Therapy
Friday February 22 @ 5pm – 19.1 Friday Night Lights Sponsored by Major Abstract Corporation

A. 2 Rounds for Quality
30 Second Single Arm Overhead Hold (left arm)
15 V-Ups
30 Second Single Arm Overhead Hold (right arm)
15 V-Ups
30 Second Double KB Front Rack Hold
15 V-Ups

Performance = RX
Fitness: Tuck Ups
Fitness Light: Tuck Ups

B.  AMRAP 16
20 DB Hang Clean and Jerks (Switch arms every 10)
20 Box Jumps @ 24/20
20 DL @ 225 /155 (Climbing each round. Rd 2 275/185 | Rd 3 315/225 | Rd 4 365/255)

A. On The Every 2 Minutes x 9 (males 400M / females 330M)
rd 1: 2k+10 seconds | Rd 2: 2k + 4 seconds | Rd 3: 2K – 2 seconds

B. Push Press 2×5 @ 70%, 3×5@75%