“I’ve got a theory that if you give 100% all the time, somehow things will work out in the end.” – Larry Bird
Congratulations to Cristy for an awesome weekend at Wodapalooza down in Miami. It’s always fun to see the growth of an athlete and friend. It’s even more fun when you get to witness that growth on a world class stage! I’m proud of your performance, effort and looking forward to helping you continue to grow!
Thanks to everyone who supported Cristy, the 3D Laser Monkeys and I as we competed this past weekend. It definitely helped knowing that you guys were cheering and rooting for us up in snowy New York. It was also a huge helping having a crew and friends down with us along side being supportive, keeping us on task, taking pictures, streaming live video, texting, giving updates so we didn’t have to worry about those things. Thank you to the entire staff for holding down the gym so I could solely focus on competing. I’m sorry we couldn’t bring back warmer weather. I did bring back some fantastic programming ideas (muahaha) and a lot of experiences to continue to help you guys get better. Thanks for being so supportive and I’m excited to share what I learned with you guys in a Q&A Panel on Thursday from 6-7 pm. Please sign up in Mindbody.
A. 3 Rounds
40 Cal Row
20 Burpee Box Jump Over @ 24/20
30 T2B
20 Push Press @ 115/85
3 Minutes rest between Rounds
Score is total time to complete all 3 rounds
Performance: 40 Cal Row | 20 Burpee Box Jump Overs | 25 T2B | 20 Push Press @ 115/80
Fitness: 30 Cal Row | 20 Burpee Box Jump Overs | 30 Knee’s to Elbows | 20 Push Press @ 95/65
Fitness light: 30 Cal Row | 20 Burpee Box Step Overs | 30 Knee’s to Chest | 20 Push Press @ 75/55
Bonus: For Quality: Accumulate 90 Second L Sit | Accumulate 3 Minutes in a weighted back ext on GHD