Tuesday January 15, 2019

“We want virtuosity”

A. Split Jerk 5×3

B. For Reps:
90 Second: Cal Bike
90 Second: T2B
90 Second: Cal Bike
90 Second: C2B
90 Second: Cal Bike
90 Second: Bar Muscle Ups

60 Second: Power Clean @ 70% of Split Jerk weight from part A
60 Second: Push Jerk @ 70% of Split Jerk weight

A. 2 Rounds:
30 Second Single Arm OH hold | 15 GHDSU
30 Second Single Arm OH Hold | 15 GHDSU
30 Second Double KB Front Rack Hold | 15 GHDSU

B. Push Press 5×5 @70%
C. Back Extension 3×20