Tuesday Jan 12, 2021

“A day that ends well is one that started with exercise.” – Sophia Amoruso

20 Banded Side Steps
20 Banded Forward / Backward Walks 
10 Banded Glute Bridges 
10 Banded Squats

60s Jumping Squats
60s Empty Barbell Strict Press 

Front Squat Skills and Drills 
5 Zombie Squats | 30s Burpees 
5 Front Squats | 30s Sit Ups 
5 Pause Front Squats (2s) | 30s Burpees
5 One ¼ Front Squats | 30s Sit Ups 
5 In the Hole Front Squats | 30s Burpees
3 Tempo Descent Front Squat (10s descent, no pause, fast up)

Ankle Rocks
Calf Stretch
Extended Arm Lizard

Strength: EMOM x 12 
Odd: 2 Front Squat 
Even: 4 Back Squats 
@75-77% of 1RM FS

5 Rounds: 
5 Ring Muscle Ups 
10 Kipping HSPU

No Muscle Ups: 
5 Devil Presses @ 50/35
10 Push Ups

10 Minute Time Cap
Bulletproof Shoulders:
5 Rounds: 
100 Ft Farmers Carry
15 Double KB Front Rack Lunges