Tuesday December 8, 2020

Lesson 7: Do it for your team, not the applause

“Great team members always put the team first.”

Primer: 3 Rounds
10 Pausing Air Squats | 10 Good Mornings | 10 Tuck Ups | 10 Push Ups | 10 Pull Ups or Ring Rows 

90s Lizard Pose on each side | 60s Walkouts | 30s of Russian Baby Makers

Strength:  Week 9 Day 1

Back Squats 
5 @ 60
2 @80
2 @ 90
1 @ 95

Front Squats
5 @ 65
4 @ 75
4 @ 80
4 @ 85

Optional Fitness: Btw Each set of back Squats
20 Burpees | 15 Cal Row | 10 V-Ups