Tuesday December 8, 2019

“Extraordinary results require a great answer.” – Gary Keller

A. On the 2 Minutes x 5 Rounds
40% of Max Kipping HSPU + 50 Ft Front Rack DB Walking Lunges

B. For Time:
50/35 Calorie Assault Bike
150 Double Unders
100 Wallball @20/14
150 Double Unders
50/35 Calorie Assault Bike

*18 Minute time Cap

Performance: RX
Fitness: 50/35 Cal Row | 250 Single Unders | 100 WB @ 14/10 | 250 SU’s | 50/35 Cal Row
Fitness Light: 50/35 Cal Row | 250 Single Unders | 75 WB @ 14/10 | 250 SU’s | 50/35 Cal Row

*Bonus: 4 Rounds – 2 Minute Window – 15 GHDSU – Time Remaining Max Sandbag Hold 150/100 – Score is total time Sandbag is held. Every second = 1 pt