“Make every rep count” – Mike W
A. 3 Rounds –
30 % of Max Ring Muscle Ups + 50 Double Unders
30 % of Max Ring Muscle Ups + 50 Double Unders
30 % of Max Ring Muscle Ups + 50 Double Unders
Rest 3 Minutes between rounds
*See below for scaling options.
B. “Crash Course” – AMRAP 15
27/18 Cal bike
21 V-Ups
15 C2B
9 Power Cleans @ 205/145
Performance: Cleans @ 185/125
Fitness: Cal Row 27/18 | V-Ups | Pull Ups | Cleans @ 145/105
Fitness Light: Cal Row 27/18 | Tuck Ups | Ring Rows | Cleans @ 105/75
Part A.
If you don’t have muscle ups 30% of Max C2B or Pull ups + 30% of Max Ring Dips
If you don’t have C2B or Pull Ups 10 second hold above bar + 30% of Max Push Up Set.
If you don’t have double unders 30 -40 seconds of double under practice
*Our Warlock Holiday Party is Saturday December 15 at 7 pm at Ice House in Poughkeepsie. Appetizers, Beer and Wine Open bar until 10 pm. Feel free to bring your significant other. Cost is $40 per person. Please sign up with one of the coaches at the front desk by this Wednesday so we have an accurate head count for the venue.
A. Hang Muscle Snatch (below knee) – 40%x3x2, 45%x3, 45%x3, 45%x3
B. Snatch Balance – 70%x3, 75%x3, 80%x3, 80%x3
C. 3 Rounds: 8 Glute Ham Raises, 24 Hip Ext, Max Effort L-Sit