“Hold yourself accountable to move better.”
A. 3 Rounds
Minute 1: 1 Clean and 3 jerks
Minute 2: 1 Clean and 2 jerks
Minute 3: 1 Clean and Jerk
Minute 4: Rest
9 DL @ 245
8 Muscle Ups
9 Cleans @ 155/105
A. EMOM x 10
odd: 5 Pendlay Row
even: 5 Bench Press
B. 5 Rounds: 75 DU’s / 10 Strict Pull Ups
Warlock Weightlifting:
1. Snatch High-Pull + Snatch from Power Position – 70% x 1+1, 75% x 1+1 x 5
2. Drop Snatch (% of snatch) – 50%x2x4
3. SLDL (% of BS) – 55%x5x3
A1. Weighted Planks – 3 x 30sec max
A2. 1-arm Farmer’s Walk – 3 x 50m