“We may be approaching a time when sugar is responsible for more early deaths in America than cigarette smoking” – Lewis Cantley
Primer: 2 Rounds:
Min 0-2: Bike (pacing work)
Min 2-4: 10 L Pull Ups or Ring Rows / 15 Push Ups / 20 Sit Ups
Min 4-6: BB Warm Up
Skill: (4 Rounds) Gymnastics Compression Drills + 3 Tempo Deadlifts (climbing)
Conditioning: On The 5 x 5 Rds
9 Box Jump Overs @ 30/24
12/9 Cal Bike
9 Deadlifts @275/185
12/9 Cal Bike
Performance: DL @ 225/155
Fitness: Box Jump @ 24/20 | 12 Cal Row | DL @ 185/125
Fitness Light: Box Step Overs @ 24/20 | 12 Cal Row | DL@135/95
A. 1000-800-600-400-200M Row @ 2K Pace
500-400-300-200-100 Row @ Recovery Pace
B. Bench Press 4×10
C. 10 x 30% of Max Strict HSPU or 2 Negatives EMOM or