“I can’t, but we can.”
A. Teams of 2 – AMRAP 15
48 Cal Row
24 Push Press @ 135/95
12 Strict C2B
Rest 5 Minutes
12 Cal Bike
24 Synchro Push Ups
12 Power Cleans @185/125
Scaling Options:
Push Press: 95/65 | 75/55
C2B: Strict Pull Ups | Ring Rows
Power Cleans: 135/95 | 95/65
Warlock Weightlifting:
A. Jerk behind the neck – 5×3@ 75%
B. Push Press – 2×5@75%, 2×5@ 80%
C. Jerk Dip Squat -3×5@ 85% (of jerk)
D. 4 Rounds For Time: 10 pull-ups, 15 KB swings