“What confidence is has nothing to do with winning or the leaderboard. Confidence is knowing that you giving your best effort is enough.”
A group of us Warlocks will be running the Arlington Education Foundation 5K this Saturday at Arlington High School at 8:30. If you want to join the rest of the team feel free to jump in and represent. All proceeds from this community-wide event directly support Arlington Central School District’s students and their classrooms. Registration: Click Here
A. Back Squats:
Wave 1: 1@75%, 3@75%, 5@75%
Wave 2: 2 @75%,4@75%, 6@75%
B. 5x500M Row – Slowest time is your score
3 RFT – 50 Double Unders / 20 GHDSU
Warlock Weightlifting:
Technique Primer: Tall Jerk + Push Jerk BNK in Split – 3 x (3+3) (light)
Pause Split Jerk + Split Jerk – (2+1)RM
Power Clean – 70%x3, 75%x3x3
Push Press BNK – 70%x5, 5×3@75% (% of push press)
Bench Press – 5×3@70%