“Well done is better than ell said.” – Benjamin Franklin
Tabata: 2 Minutes of each | Plate Jumps | Sit Ups | Air Squats
30s hang from rings in arch | 30s Wall HS
10x Stand into pike into up dog into down dog
30s hang from rings in hollow
30s pigeon stretch (each side)
A. Strict Ring Pull-ups – Three-grip-position – AMRAP 8 (Work 20 seconds: Rest 40 seconds.)
Points of performance: Perform pull-ups in these three-grip positions back to back.
First pull-up: palms face away or forward
Second pull-up: palms facing each other
Third pull-up: palms facing back
B. Strict Ring Dips – 40% of your best max effort set from last Tuesday every 45 seconds until failure.
if you easily hit 12 minutes up to 45% next week. If you can’t get to 12 minutes then stay at 40^ until you get to 12 minutes.
* Scaling on both movements in leg assisted movements on the rings.
WOD: “Smooth Operator” EMOM x 12
Min 1: 45s Cal Row
Min 2: 45s Burpees
Min 3: 45s V-Ups
1. Pause Front Squat (no belt /3 sec) – Heavy Single
2. Strict Tempo Pull ups -5 sets: 30% of max effort ring pull ups. Divide that 30% evenly over 15 seconds. rest 45 seconds.
3. Pushing Elevated Shoot-throughs
90s work / 60s rest
60s work / 60s rest
30s work / 60s rest
15s work / done.
4. Stalder leg Lifts (two plates) Tabata (10 rounds)