Thursday January 7, 2021

” A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone.” – Henry David Thoreau

Primer: 10 Minutes for Quality:
50ft Single Arm KB Farmers Carry (each arm)
50 Ft Bear Crawl
50 Ft Single KB Overhead Carry
8 KB High Pulls (each arm)

Pike Stretch

3 Back Squats EMOM x 10
@ 70-75% of 1 RM

AGOQ Reeeeeemix: AMRAP 10
15 DL @ 225/155
35 Bar Facing Burpees
90 Double Unders

BulletProof Shoulders: AMRAP 10
15 DL @ 225/155
35 Cal Bike
90 DOuble Unders