“Every pro was once an amateur. Every expert was once a beginner. So dream big and start now.” – Unknown
Hey Team! We have a lot of people who ask us for road WODs while they’re away. We had all the coaches pick some of their favorites and share them with you on our website. They’re great with some equipment, no equipment, on cruise ships, in hotels, camping etc. It’s under the workout tab called “Road WODS” so you always have access to it. You can also Click Here to view. Hope this helps you stay active while you’re traveling!
A. Power Clean 5×2 @ 75-85%
B. Clean Pull 5×3 @ 90-95%
C. 3 Rounds For Quality:
1 Minute: Back Rack Lunges @ 115/75
1 Minute: Weighted Sit Ups
1 Minute: DB Floor Press
20 Second transition between movements
Bonus: ROM WOD or Go WOD
or Click Here for our recovery day protocol