Thursday January 12, 2017


“A good warm up sets the tone for your workout. Be deliberate and take the time to prepare.”

A. EMOM x 8
odd: 20 Deadlifts @ 225/155
even: 40 Double Unders

B. 14 Minute AMRAP

60 Cal Row Buy in –
50 Hang Pwr Cleans @ 135/95
40 Front Squats @ 135/95
30 OHS @ 135/95
20 Shoulder to Overhead @ 135/95
10 Hang Pwr Snatches @ 135/95

Every time you break 3 burpees over the bar


45 Minutes of Mobility

Warlock Weightlifting

A. Power Snatch – 2@70%, 2@75%, 2×1@80%, 2×1@85%
B. Power Clean + Power Jerk – 2(1+1) 75%, 2(1+1)@80%
C. Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat – 3+1@70%, 3+1@75%,3+1@80%x, 3×2+1@85%

4 Rounds
5 1-arm DB split snatch/side
100 m row