Sunday January 13, 2019

“Challenges keep you engaged” – James Clear

Congrats to Sue and Allison for winning their Masters Division at the Railroad CrossFit Winter Classic yesterday! Awesome day of competition from Heather and LewAnn in a very competitive Womens RX division!

Good Luck to Kelly as she competes today in her powerlifting meet at CrossFit Klew in NJ!

A. Alternating Effort x 5
odd Minute: 3 Deadlifts (climbing)
even minute: 45 Seconds Front Leaning Rest

B. “Crystal Ball”
30 Seconds work / 30 seconds rest x 5 at each movement

Deadlift @ 185/135
Kettle bell Swings @70/44
Calorie Row

*Score is total reps

Performance: RX
Fitness: DL @ 135/95 | KB @ 53/35
Fitness Light: DL @ 115/75 | KBS @ 44/26