Holiday Ho Ho Throwdown Test Run
A. WOD 1 – Teams of 2 – AMRAP 10
4 Power Snatches @ 115/75 | Scaled 75/55
8 T2B | Scaled 8 Sit Ups
12 Walball @ 20/14 | Scaled 20/14 9 Feet
*Part A does 4 Power Snatches. Partner B does 8 T2B. Partner A does 12 Wallball. Partner B does 4 Snatches etc
B. WOD 2 – WOD 2. Angry Elf – (8 Minute cap)
100 Thrusters @ 115/75 | Scaled 75/55
Reps can be broken up however the athletes choose. If the barbell touches the floor both partners have to do 5 burpees.
Open Athletes: Rest Day