“A professional dedicates himself to mastering technique” – Steven Pressfield
Primer: Theraband Protocol
3 Rounds – 200M Run | 200M Overhead Walk with Kettlebell | 15 Tuck Ups
Mobility Work:
Couch Stretch: 1 Minute each side
Lizard: 1 Minute each side
Pigeon Pose: 1 Minute each side
Puppy Pose: 1 Minute
WOD: 3 Rounds For Time:
400M Run
21 KB Swings @ 70/53
12 Burpees
Performance @ 53/35
Fitness @ 44/26
Fitness Light: 200M Run | KB @ 35/18 | 12 Burpees
If you didn’t walk in on your own 2 feet and have some sort of medical condition where you can’t run or walk 200M please let a coach know. We will happily modify with a .6 mile bike. If you can run / walk get outside and get moving 🙂