Saturday September 28, 2019

“It’s hard to see your progress when you are deeply immersed in the process. Before you let doubt take control, examine how much you have grown/ accomplished by mentally taking a big step back so you can look at the whole picture.”

Primer: 3 Rounds:
40s Shuttle Run
30s Push Up Plank Hold
20 Reverse Lunges
10 Russian Baby Makers

Jelly – 5 Rounds For Time:
400M Run
30/24 Cal Row
30 Wallball @ 20/14

No Run? 125 Double Unders or 250 Single Unders

Performance: RX
Fitness: Cal Row @ 20 Cal Row | 20 WB @ 20/14
Fit Light: 5 Rounds: 200M Run | 20/15 Cal Row | 20 WB @ 14/10

Bonus: Build to a heavy at each distance:
100′ Ft BB Overhead Lunge
50′ Ft BB Overhead Lunge
25′ Ft BB Overhead Lunge

Rest as needed between sets

Skill Conditioning: 25 ft Double DB Front Rack Walking Lunges @ 50/35
3-6-9-12-15-18-21 Strict HSPU

Midline: Accumulate 2 Minutes in each static position in any order:
A. Parallette HS Hold
B. L-Sit on Rings
C. Bottom Back Squat Hold @ 165/115